Experience the next generation of hand-mixed, self-adhesive posterior restorative featuring GC Advanced Glass Hybrid technology.
GC Advanced Glass Hybrid Technology.
Advanced Glass hybrid technology is the combination of two types of Fluoro-Almino-Silicate(FAS) glass and also two types of polyacrylic acid.
- Smart particle size distribution, Gold Label HYBRID gets higher mechanical strength
- Finer size of FAS Glass particle decreases collision against visible light waves.The more light is passing through the restorative, it causes the restorative more translucent.
- Gold Label HYBRID consists of the glass which reacts with polyacrylic acid, helping the restorative matrix release high amount of fluoride.
- Gold Label HYBRID is consist of more acid resistance FAS glass and a higher molecular weight polyacrylic acid. These two components strengthen the restorative matrix and gives higher acid resistance.
- High mechanical strength and durability
- High Aesthetics
- More translucency and suitable to color of around tooth tissue
- High acid resistance ability
- High moisture tolerance
- Efficient fluoride releasing
Indications :
- Class I and Class II restorations in deciduous teeth.
- Non-load bearing Class I and Class II.
- Intermediate restorative and base material for heavy stress situations in Class I and Class II cavities using the sandwich laminate technique.
- Class V and root surface restorations.
- Core build-up.
Key Specifications:
Powder/ Liquid Ratio (g/g) – 3.0/1.0
Mixing Time (sec.) – 25-30″
Working Time (23°C/73° F) (min., sec.) – 1’45”
Net Setting Time (37°C/99°F) (min., sec.) – 2’40”
Finishing Time (37 C/99 F, from start of mixing) (min., sec.) – 6’00”
STORAGE : Recommended for optimal performance, store at temperature of 4-25°C (39-77°F).
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