- Light Cure Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement
XTRACEM LC is the glass-monomer light-cured radiopaque lining, luting, and restorative material with high initial strength,it is light-curing, resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement. The material feature both chemical and light-curing mechanisms to ensure the best mix of early strength and command setting. Offering both excellent compressive and flexural strengths to provide durable cementation. High shear bond strength to both dentin and enamel ensures great adhesion to the natural tooth structure. The material contains a high level of fluoride. Available in four popular Vita shades to enable an accurate match to the natural tooth structure.
Typical Properties
Property ISO9917-2:2010 Typical Properties Flexural Strength 25MPa 55Mpa Compressive Strength — 221Mpa Shear Bond Str (Dentine) — 11.7Mpa Shear Bond Str (Enamel) — 12.1Mpa Net setting time 1’30” – 6’00” 2’30”
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